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Anime & Rutabagas • 2 years ago

This episode was triggering lol

joblesshobo • 2 years ago

which one is worse? the bullying or the general indifference of everyone who watches a guy got picked on?

Dick Festival • 2 years ago

More like everyone who bandwagonned onto humiliation and laughing and no one stepping in for him basically

norigami • 2 years ago

For me its the teachers. Teenagers are going to be teenagers, raging hormones, social clicks, etc. But when the adults can't guarantee a safe environment for the kids, its a fucking disgrace.

Abby Chan • 2 years ago

I agree but at the same time society these days gave too much privilege to students/teens that any out of context or even a discipline coming from a teacher can make the instructor lose their job.

Qween Qingzanor • 2 years ago

Japan is lax with bullying in a different way, see Shogo & Gaijin Goomba on YT...

Abby Chan • 2 years ago

Goudai getting mad at Junpei wherein Junpei is the one who supposed to be mad at her for using him.

Qween Qingzanor • 2 years ago

The nail that sticks out get hammered down apparently...

blacksparkss21 • 2 years ago

it was only awesome when Lou started dancing,was touching.

Vince :D • 2 years ago

ikr, so much drama and bullying :/

Shifter • 2 years ago

don't get me wrong not defending the bullies as I have definitely been on the receiving end of bullying but he doesn't stand up for himself whatsoever and why does it matter that Ballet is all he has? don't you think that would actually make you more prone to fight back since you dgaf about the others?

I love anime but all of the non-sensical bullshit that makes no sense for reasoning that some stories give just because they want this sense of Drama for Drama's sake alone is annoying as hell...not to mention Jumpei is in the right to be frustrated at Godai her reasoning for what she has done is simply using Jumpei and nothing else.

i'm sick of media expecting me to simply have pitty or sympathy for someone simply because of the position they are in. sometimes people deserve the misery they are stuck in and can learn from it, I don't just relate to people simply because they are in a bad situation there are plenty of people who you can originally relate to being in horrible positions but then they continue to not just learn nothing from their experience but become the aggressor/bully themselves....

I was intrigued with the concept of this anime was hoping it was gonna be like Ballroom, but it feels overly stereotypical and just a drama train think I am out from this point on hope those of you who continue to watch enjoy though :)

Miu-chan Can't Study! • 2 years ago

Bruv this guy has obvious trauma from his former strict ballet teacher who clearly physically and mentally abused him. Do you not know what PTSD responses look like? Before you open your mouth this wide and start victimblaming when you don't have any shred of clue regarding psychology, why don't you just research the possible causes of a reaction such as Luos or yk just keep your triggering bs to yourself?

Shifter • 2 years ago

first off I already can tell your opinion is irrelevant off of the bat since you clearly didn't read my whole comment......I stopped watching on this episode I had to check the next episode which wasn't even out when I posted this comment to confront your bullshit point. (that next episode is where they first even show any abuse occuring, I posted my comment before that.)

and you suddenly are a professional and know the psychology? I am not victim blaming its simply a reality that when you don't stand up for yourself people will never stop tormenting you and when all you have is one thing you hold onto that makes your life worth living from your point of view that in no way is connected to the ones tormenting you that they have no way of effecting most logical people would fight back.

and regardless of how much the victim of harassment and bullying denies it they weren't targeted by the harassers for no reason either consciously or subconsciously something they did or didn't do made that person hate them enough to torment them....when they don't confront it stuff like this happens, if you act like a doormat and let them get away with that behavior they will continue to do so and no amount of simply demonizing the bullies will ever stop it.

actions must be taken to end it what I don't like is bullshit reasoning as to why said person can't such as "ballet being all he has" when in reality a real person would be more prone to not caring about the noise if they truly only had one thing in this case being ballet that can't be changed by said outsiders.

if you can't take negativity how about not responding to my quote and going back to living in your shell instead of insulting me?

popoko • 1 year ago

people can hate someone for no reason. even if u just met and never talk to each other. but not all people bully others. lot of bully bullied others cause they think that kid is an easy target that can't fight back. beeing weak doesn't mean u deserve to be treated that way. we're weaker than goverment too. doess that mean they're allowed to treat us badly? no.

my old bullies say this when i asked why she bullied me. she said "cause its fun and i can away with it" people who bully have power u know? the teacher know all about the bullying that happen, one kid almost jump from rooftop from bulying. but all the teacher said"erase the video and photo from the kid that about to jump you're going to destroy the school image" u know if the kid fight back i will get detention which will ruin his future career. them beating him don't get them in trouble cause they have rich family. so yea, sometimes staying quiete is a good choice. gotta think of your future. also no i'm not risking getting my bone break from fighting back a bully, thats a stupid choice when she's literally won a medal for karate. have done it, went to doctor, only regret.

Qween Qingzanor • 2 years ago

There's also a bit of compartmentalization with Luou & Jumpei here...

Time. • 2 years ago

Haha I couldn’t take Junpei serious with those tights on his head when he was talking about ballet and how he wants to pursued that!!

But I’m glad Junpei decided to speak up about what he truly likes and wants to do!! But now I’m wondering what’s going to happen to Junpei old friends. Are they going to do something? Are they going to make fun of him too? Or probably just ignore him and act like he isn’t there.

Either ways, glad he’s still moving forward tho!

Prolly the latter because bullying someone who can defend himself is no fun I guess? Also, you don't want to mess with someone who can do Jeet Kune Do. It's meant to defeat multiple people as quick as possible.

Dick Festival • 2 years ago

You still call them friends? This alone should show they were never really friends. Just pieces of sh*t lol

now i need breakdance anime and metal anime lol Japan in future have all thongs we can just watch it for free

reiko • 2 years ago

Finally Junpei came out clean and ended all that pretense..nice to see that!!! hope he gets along with Luou soon too!! felt bad at all his bullying scenes..

Time. • 2 years ago

Poor Mori. He deserves better…

Endcsline • 2 years ago

they really nailed the feeling of peer pressure.

Tsukkiss my ass • 2 years ago


Anigirl • 2 years ago

If you learn how not to give a damn thing about it, you can have a peaceful and happy life.

suhayb yusuf • 2 years ago

I was so annoyed an Junpei doing nothing to help Luou even though he kept on looking like he wanted to.
Glad he chose to tell his "friends" he's quitting the team and pursuing ballet. They were assholes anyway.

Synchro • 2 years ago

Same but like he said he hates Luou, so he was conflicted to help and was stubborn about the hate on Luou

Codite • 2 years ago

Luou didn't even try to help himself, 10x more annoying

Astolfo-kun • 2 years ago

Luou wasn't going to take those laughs, instead he showed them his beautiful ballet. Good thing Junpei decided the path he is going to take

Noah Winns-Cromer • 2 years ago

And I thought the girls from SpyXFamily last week were terrible, but these brats Jumpei calls "friends"......

Sun chan • 2 years ago


MysteriousShade • 2 years ago

That one blonde chick in particular did the absolute most. "Spilling" the food on por Yor and calling her a whore. For what? Why do they care about her private life so much? Like seriously, grow up, that shit's embarrassing. I feel bad for her man having to put up with that lol. Totes looking forward to next week's episode :)

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 2 years ago

I thought Junpei would slowly let them know or it'd be a gradual thing but he really dropped it on them in one go, Junpei has got guts doing that, I guess watching Luou's ballet gave him the courage to come out and be honest with himself.

It sucks his friends took it that way, I hope he in turn doesn't get bullied since a lot of his friends seem to be from the soccer club but also suddenly leaving like that might make them feel like he wasn't able to be honest with them which could hurt when you thought you were close friends so I'm interested to see what the development between them will be next episode.

It was really hard to watch Luou be bullied though, you could also see that he has been abused before with the way he covered himself when Hyouta raised his fist. I wonder what Luou's backstory is since we got some information with his mother being a former idol who publicized her son's name which might have made it hard for him. Watching him being pushed on stage whilst cross dressing was really hard, I wanted one of the teachers to realize what was happening but I'm glad Luou was able to turn it around by doing ballet and showing his talents, it was a good thing he had a lot of fun doing it at the very least.

MeguminExplosion • 2 years ago

Bully a guy who know Jeet Kune Do? Thats asking to get rekt.

Tegan • 2 years ago

There's more than one way to bully someone, and you can't fight rumors, whisper campaigns or being ostracised like you can physical threats

Anigirl • 2 years ago

I just hope someday, those friends can accept him for who he is...

If not, nah. They are not worth it.

Tsukkiss my ass • 2 years ago

ARGHHHH THIS WAS SO HARD TO WATCH. THE PEER PRESSURE IS REAL. i see myself in mc, man and it's the worst. i didnt wanna get isolated so badly thats why i kept up w a lot of stuff i didnt like. i wish i could just ditch my "friends" like that. i did it once but my new "friend group" was still bad like wtf. i wish i can just be a loner w/o anyone in school knowing im a loner

Secre Swallowtail • 2 years ago

I FEEL THE SAME. It takes a lot of courage to stand up when you are bullied but I think it takes MORE courage to stand up for someone being bullied especially if it's against your friends. I know they said it is what's right and if your friends are like that then you shouldn't befriend someone like that, but it's hard to do in real life. And if you ever muster that courage to stand for someone being bullied, and end up loosing that friendship, it's awkward when you bump into your ex-friends. People should really be more understanding of Junpei. It's a hard situation.

Tsukkiss my ass • 2 years ago

right right!!!

Sun chan • 2 years ago

I felt like crying most of times

Carito anime freak ♥ • 2 years ago

What is to be Manly?... Yes is be yourself and enjoy your life people always are going to judge something different.
I'm 51 years old and still get the "you like Anime?" question...You Know.

Wulfris • 2 years ago

you like anime?

Carito anime freak ♥ • 2 years ago


Noah Winns-Cromer • 2 years ago

If High School Musical taught me anything as a kid, aside from girls learning can go boy crazy, it's that if your friends don't accept you for who you are, then they were never your friends anyway.

That said, I'm happy Junpei told his "friends" he likes ballet.

GreenTea Gal • 2 years ago

#hugsforluou hated that junpei doesn't help right away, but glad he had his own empowering moment this ep

norigami • 2 years ago

It felt more relatable this way, rather than the shounen-anime path. For me it brings to the forefront that the MC is an adolescent who is trying to figure out what is right for him.

Junnie Mae • 2 years ago

"A prince with shaved head!" Pfftbwahahahaha! Well if he's a yakuza prince maybe(or maybe Saitama from OPM! I mean I'm pretty sure he's a prince too! Teehee!~~) . Hehe!~ And man finally Junpei! That's the "manliest" thing you've ever do! Defending Luou! You go man! You don't need those fake### friends! Do what you like and be manly! Screw your "friends"!

Kurane Hikame • 2 years ago

The execution of this was so brilliant and it really doubled down on the question of "what does it mean to be cool? to be manly?" It hurt to see Luou get bullied and harassed, and everyone being indifferent to it or even joining in on it, but it was a great build up to Luou just showing everyone and Jumpei up. Luou doesn't need to be manly by bullying others or fitting in. He just pursues what he truly loves. And I'm glad Jumpei realized that too. He doesn't need friends like that anyway.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 2 years ago

Normally I'd poke fun at some Engrish, but hearing Mori makes me feel a bit too sad to even try making a joke.

UserName_DQ • 1 year ago

It's the best English I've ever heard in a sub.

I can't stand bullying in anime. This episode was such a pain to watch but great episode. I honestly find it believable that Junpei didn’t immediately stand up to his friends because one of his foremost reasons for doing ballet in secret was that it wasn’t manly to his peers. I appreciate the realism here since middle school is the time when peer pressure and societal expectations start to gain importance for youths.

I felt so bad for Leou, but he was admittedly cool for doing what he did on stage.